Got a Gritty Knitting Emergency?

Knitting SOS - the REAL Fourth Emergency Service!

I created Knitting SOS in 2005 as a free service for knitters in need of emergency advice. I feel strongly that sometimes a knitter will need a bit of advice to keep them going and I was keen to provide this as a free service rather than have knitters get 'stuck' and stop knitting for want of a little boost... so take advantage of over 43 years of knitting experience!

You can reach me via:

Knitting SOS Monthly Workshop

  • Poplar Bakehouse, Cottal Street E14 6TL (August 2024 is a different, one-off venue change)
  • DATE: THIRD Sunday of every month
  • TIME: 10am-12pm
No need to book, just turn up and knit!  If you don't have a project you are working on, there will be basic beginners odds and ends to have a go, and plenty of help and advice available.

Upcoming dates 2024:

  • Sunday 16th June
  • Sunday 21st July
  • Sunday 18th August - Venue change for this month only: Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park (The Lodge), Southern Grove E3 4PX  
  • Sunday 15th September
  • Sunday 20th October

***Breaking news***
Knitting SOS has gone global.
I already have a knitting SOS-er in Australia - Caroline in Sydney. Now Knitting SOS has hit South America! I just had an SOS email from Gladys in Brasil! Hello Gladys, welcome to Knitting SOS!

(35288 reads Aug 2023)
(22509 reads Jan 16) 
(+4790 reads 13th July 09)
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(+7090 reads July 10)

(+8325 reads Jan 11)